Monday, August 06, 2007

They will know us by our love (and the Baha'is, and the Wiccans, and the Jains...)

Alright, I think I've got it figured out. The question friends have been asking me as I get sucked further and further into the life of the Church: Why am I a Christian?

Not because of the promise of eternal life. Not because I think that Christianity has got it all figured out and they are on the inside track with the one true God. Not because I heard the voice of Jesus in my head and I became saved one tearful and cathartic night.

I am a Christian because I see it as one of many paths to truth in community. Right now, the fact is Christianity is the only method of journeying together in community towards truth that I see accessible to me in this place. To be on a faith journey, which I feel called to travel, I need to be with others during this time of spiritual, philisophical, and ethical discernment. And, I value this community over always agreeing with doctrine, polity, or the other members of this community all of the time. And really, United Methodists are pretty progressive. I don't often have to hear hate-language or radical-right propoganda in the circles I run in.

Why am I a Christian....? Because I ain't got nothin' better to do.

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