Monday, April 02, 2007

Cigars...? Cigarettes...?

I recently switched doctors and I had to fill out the usual reams of paper forms. You know that little section they ask you if you drink or smoke? Usually I just check "no," write "socially," and move on. But lately I've been making sure to be really honest just in case. Maybe knowing that I smoke a couple cigarettes (no, not a couple packs -- individuals cigarettes) a year might be helpful in diagnosing a medical condition. I feel like I have too many medical issues for such a young person, I want to make sure my doctors have all the information available to them.

Today, when the doc came in to talk about my issues, she asked about my response to the smoking question and then made sure to note that I was a non-smoker. She reported that a friend was recently labeled a smoker by her insurance company because she responded similarly on a form at a doctor's office. Now, I'm not an advocate of lying to insurance companies. But be warned that apparently if you're too honest you could be labeled by your life or health insurance companies and pay higher premiums.

What kind of line can be drawn between a smoker and non-smoker? How long do you have to have gone without smoking before you're a non-smoker again? Is it not like Alcoholics Anonymous where you're just always a smoker? According to's article, "if you enjoy a good cigar from time to time or smoke just two cigarettes per year, you are a smoker by insurance standards." Also, they suggest five years as a time period for detoxing.

Thinking about myself, it's probably been about that long for me. The last time I remember smoking was sitting in a folding char by the garden in my Ames backyard after a particularly frustrating day with my boss and various clients. Who knew... I'm an ex-smoker! Congratulate me!

I guess sometimes a cigar is not just a cigar...

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